Healthy and Happy Feet with the Help of a Podiatrist

Tackling The Problem: How Rugby Players Can Deal With Plantar Fasciitis Pain And Stay In The Scrum

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Pain is a constant companion on the rugby field and is something every rugby player learns to deal with and manage in his or her own way. However, chronic pain that inhibits your comfort and ability to move freely both on and off the pitch should never be ignored, and chronic heel pain is a particularly common problem among rugby players, both amateur and professional. Persistent heel pain can have a wide variety of causes, but a condition known as plantar fasciitis is one of the most common, and rugby players are particularly prone to developing it. Read More»

Common Runner's Injuries, and How to Avoid and Treat Them

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If you enjoy running or any type of vigorous exercise or sport, you need to be aware of the risk of injuries that could occur, even if you wear quality jogging shoes and are sure to play non-impact sports. Knowing the common injuries that you could suffer and how to avoid and treat them can mean less chance of pain and discomfort, as well as less risk of long-term or debilitating injury. Read More»

Two Common Foot-Related Conditions That a Podiatrist Can Treat

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Podiatrists are trained to provide treatment for conditions which affect the feet and lower legs. Here are two very common foot-related conditions that these types of professionals can treat. Ingrown toenails An ingrown toenail is one which grows in such a way that it pierces the flesh on either side of the toe. This can lead to the skin surrounding the toenail becoming sore, swollen and red. If it not treated promptly, fluid may accumulate in the affected toe, and the wound (that is, the area of skin which has been pierced by the nail) may produce both blood and pus. Read More»

Runners: What to Do When Heel Pain Ruins Your Exercise Plans

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Since regular exercise keeps you fit and healthy, more and more people these days have a fitness routine. So if something happens that means you can’t keep up with your normal activity levels, it can be frustrating, to say the least, and might be quite a setback in terms of your fitness. A fairly common issue that can seriously impact your ability to stay fit is heel pain, especially if you’re a runner. Read More»

Sweet Feet for Sports

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If you’re a serious gym goer, you might be susceptible to a range of fungal and bacterial infections, particularly around the feet. This is often due to the frequency of your training and the amount of time your feet spend in damp, sweaty trainers. Two of the most common issues people face ire athlete’s foot and fungal nail infection. Both are simple to treat but can be unsightly and sometimes painful. Read More»