Healthy and Happy Feet with the Help of a Podiatrist

How Eating Too Much Meat Can Give You Gout

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Gout – a painful type of arthritis that affects your toes, feet and ankles – can often feel like it comes on suddenly for no real reason. Gout pain can keep you from working and functioning in daily life, but how can you prevent it if it shows up out of nowhere?  It may be surprising to some, but gout does have a cause despite its sudden appearance – purines. What may come as more of a shock is that you invite these purines into your body when you eat certain types of food, such as meat. Read More»

Various Reasons Why You May Have Developed Heel Pain

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Heel pain is one of the most common ailments people will endure at one point or another. It should be noted though that heel pain on its own is not a health condition. Instead, it is a symptom of an underlying problem. Therefore, it is essential to know the different causes of heel pain so you can whittle down the reasons why you may have developed it in the first place. Read More»

How podiatrists treat common toenail conditions

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In addition to providing general foot care, podiatrists also offer a number of specialist treatment options for specific conditions which affect the toenails. Here is a brief explanation of the treatments they often use to address these type of issues. Ingrown toenails The term ‘ingrown toenail’ is used to describe a nail whose sides have grown into the flesh surrounding the nail bed. This painful condition usually affects the big toe and can be caused by a person cutting their nails incorrectly or by wearing ill-fitting shoes. Read More»

Plantar Fasciitis: Pain Management Options for Home Use

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If you have been experiencing heel or foot pain, you probably have plantar fasciitis. This is a condition which is associated with the inflammation and decreased flexibility of the plantar fascia, a tough tissue which runs along your foot’s bottom. The severity of the condition can vary widely, and it will determine the right treatment method to relieve the symptoms and restore normal foot functions. Therefore, if you suspect that you might have fasciitis, you should consult a podiatrist for proper diagnosis. Read More»

3 Foot And Ankle Injuries Lacrosse Players May Need To Deal With

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Lacrosse is still a minority sport in Australia, but the activity is becoming more popular thanks to local and interstate competitions. The game is popular across all age groups, but, like any contact sport, lacrosse attracts a fair number of injuries. While a lot of these injuries are relatively minor, some problems can become more serious and will need specialist medical attention. Learn more about three common foot and ankle injuries that lacrosse players may suffer, and find out what treatment methods and preventive measures a podiatrist might recommend. Read More»